The challenge
Azercell is launching a new and ultimate tariff pack that enables subscribers to have full control over building their own tariff pack. The objectives were to develop a full-scale communication emphasizing unique benefits of the product, create naming and build awareness and recognition levels for the product among target audience.

The TA for this product are young people who love customization and being in control above everything. They also love crazy dynamic content and are very digital at their hearts. The product itself was quite revolutional so the strategy was not to bore the audience with financial advantages of having a customized tariff plan, but rather to show the possibilities of customization and pass the cool vibe.
The solution was: 1) to take a celebrity that suits the intended vibe — Hiss! 2) write a special song where all the possibilities of the tariff would be explained in a very cool manner 3) edit the video in such a way that you'd want to watch it again and again!

Create your own Istesen tariff!